Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sierras Disneyland Trip

Mid December 2019, Sierra and friends took the train from Flagstaff to Stockton Califonia to go to Disneyland. They went home exhausted but loved the trip.

Cat Shelter

Girly, our outdoor cat probably won't use it, but I put together a shelter for her anyway. Two insulated shipping boxes taped together. The foam is thicker than the old foam coolers. Should be warmer.

Thanksgiving 2019

Snowstorms prevented Thanksgiving plans. So Sue whipped a small turkey for leftovers. It was very moist and delicious.

Harvest Decorations Nov. 11, 2019

Musette checks out the decorations, already changed from Halloween to Harvest.

Eggplant bonanza

October 13, 2019. Garden starting to produce again.