Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sierras Disneyland Trip

Mid December 2019, Sierra and friends took the train from Flagstaff to Stockton Califonia to go to Disneyland. They went home exhausted but loved the trip.

Cat Shelter

Girly, our outdoor cat probably won't use it, but I put together a shelter for her anyway. Two insulated shipping boxes taped together. The foam is thicker than the old foam coolers. Should be warmer.

Thanksgiving 2019

Snowstorms prevented Thanksgiving plans. So Sue whipped a small turkey for leftovers. It was very moist and delicious.

Harvest Decorations Nov. 11, 2019

Musette checks out the decorations, already changed from Halloween to Harvest.

Eggplant bonanza

October 13, 2019. Garden starting to produce again.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fulkerson Swamp Sept 26, 2019

It started as a wet patch by the water meter. Progressing to a swamp with water running down the street. But it's fixed now.

Monday, August 5, 2019

2019 Alaska Cruise

Started the great 2019 Family reunion Alaska Cruise on July 23 out of Seattle.
It was an incredible journey including seeing a huge number of Whales, Glaciers, Gold Rush train rides, and a Lumberjack Show.
Of course lots of great food, some eh food, some no food.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Snow time at all.

May 27. It snowed AGAIN in Flagstaff. It has been one snowstorm after another for Northern Arizona this Spring.

Bot Time

May 24, 2019
These food delivery bots are scampering around campus at NAU. Sierra says it's interesting to see the students interacting with them. Rushing over to help them when they get stuck. If one stops and seems confused a student would say "You OK little dude?" Have to watch for them or you could trip or get run down. She says at the staging line for returns it's a no human allowed area as they get rambunctous.

May 12, 2019 Mothers Day

Instant Pot Poached eggs over Avocado Toast.
Mothers Day Flowers

Clean Pond

March 25. 2019
Pond is clean again. For the next 48 hours anyway.  The Koi are happy.


Saturday February 23 the repair guy showed up 10 minutes after the "schedule window" to fix the washing machine. Fussed with it for awhile and installed the new internal hose. He started it up, was satisfied the leak was taken care of and left. What followed was the worst clanging and pinging I've ever heard from that washer.
Monday the new repair guy showed up and actually pulled a wrench out of the machine. Went through a load okay. Excited to see what the weekend laundry brings.
So it really was a wrench in the machine.

February 26 2019

The day after the big storm, Sierra, her friends and roommates left to drive to Disneyland for a long planned trip. The road closures after the storm was over but the roads were still icy. The car hit an icy patch and slid into a snowbank. They pushed it out and decided to put snow chains on. Another car hit the icy patch sending a car into their car. Sierra was knocked down, but other than neck and back pain was mostly okay. One roommate went under a truck, another one was injured. All told everyone was amazing intact and not killed. They were extremely lucky. The car was totaled, and other than some stitches, bruises and cuts, they got through it.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Big Snow Storm in Flagstaff

February 21, 2019. Record snowfall for Flagstaff. 37 - 40 inches in one day. This is the parking lot in front of Sierras Apartment. The short lump of snow is the Smart Car.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

A quick visit Feb. 15

Sierra came down to put in some time at the dealership, and to visit.
Quick, but nice visit.

Garden Fresh Pasta Sauce

It may be mid February, but we still have some survivors in the garden. I picked a bunch of San Marzano tomatoes and pulled some purple carrots.

Into the Instant Pot and less than a hour later I had fresh pasta sauce. The recipe is in the receipe section.